Federation of Genealogical Societies 

Mission / Purpose

We are a community-based volunteer genealogical society now celebrating over 41 years of helping you discover your family history. SCGS is a non-profit organization with the dual goals of education in genealogical research and the preservation of Solano County History. We have expert volunteers who can assist any level of researcher with making genealogical connections throughout the world! 
We are currently conducting all of our meetings on Zoom. Our Speaker Series meetings start at 11 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month from February through June and from September through December. There are no Speaker Series Meetings in Janurary, July and August. 
Discussion Group meetings are held on the  second Wednesday of every month, from 10 a.m. until noon. Discussions are informal groups gathered to exchange or learn new ideas about each interesting topic.

Most of our Speaker Series and Discussion Groups have detailed handouts with resources and references for attendees.

We  also have Special Interest Groups (SIGs). They are small groups of our members that are interested in meeting on a regular basis to share information and encourage each other’s research about a single topic, such as German or Irish genealogy. These SIG groups are meeting on Zoom, too.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

President: Jeff Solomon
First Vice President: Vacant
Second Vice President: Earlene Gorman
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Christy Cutting
Board Members At Large
Board Member: Donna Dimmick
Board Member: Carla Beddo
Volunteers & Committee Chairs
Education Committee Chair: Vacant
Facebook Editor: Ruth Anne Halligan
Library Committee Chair: Vacant
Library Volunteers Coordinator: Michele Waltz
Membership Chair: Earlene Gorman
Programs Co-Chair: Nancy Adams
Programs Co-Chair: Michele Waltz
Programs Co-Chair: Earlene Gorman
Researcher: Carla Beddo
Researcher: Nancy J Morebeck
Researcher: Ann Rollin
Rootdigger Newsletter Editor: Nancy Schlesinger
Rootdigger Newsletter Editor: Jim Poff
Rootdigger Proofreader: Nancy Adams
Rootdigger Proofreader: Ann Rollin
SIG Coordinator: Marianne Gaertner
Website & Technology Co-Chair: Jeff Solomon
Website & Technology Co-Chair: Donna Dimmick

Board Meeting Information

The SolanoCGS Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10 am on Zoom. Members of SCGS are encouraged to attend these meetings. Please send an to scgs@scgsca.org to request a Zoom link to the board meeting.
Library Staff Volunteers
Susan Ballow, Carla Beddo, Georgia Chun, Linda Elkins, Earlene Gorman,
Nan Morebeck, Sarah Nitta, Jim Poff, Carole Ressler, Ann Rollin, Jeff Solomon, Lana Stueve, Jim Stueve, Michele Waltz