General Genealogy [Black History & Genealogy has been postponed] (Discussion Group)
Our February 12th Roundtable Discussion on the topic of BLACK HISTORY & GENEALOGY has been canceled due to recent medical issues for both of the facilitators Beatrice Henderson & Linda Elkins. We wish them a speedy and full recovery. Instead we will be doing a General Discussion Group on any and all things related to your Genealogical Research.
Black History Month is an annually observed commemorative month. It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of African Americans and other persons of African descent. In 1970 it became a month-long observation celebrated in February in the United States and Canada. We will try to reschedule the Roundtable Discussion on BLACK HISTORY & GENEALOGY for later in the year
Solano County Genealogy Society members are receiving a Zoom invite via email. They can also find the most current Zoom Invitation Link on the website in the Members Only menu section.
Guests are welcome to attend this FREE event. If interested, send an email to the society at no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday February 11th to request an invitation.