Federation of Genealogical Societies 

Welcome to Solano County Genealogical Society!

Solano County Genealogical Society LibraryThe Solano County Genealogical Society welcomes everyone who has an interest in genealogy.
We are proud to offer this website as a gateway to our services, resources, programs, activities and information on our society.
We welcome all Members, Guests and Visitors to our website.
The process of creating and updating our website with the help of our handful of dedicated volunteers does take time.  Some pages are always under construction. Please visit us often to see the changes we will continue to make to improve your experience.
Our Genealogy Research Library will be closed for the months of July and August. It is located 610 East Main Street in Vacaville on the 2nd floor of the historical Old Town Hall. It is normally open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to 1 pm and by appointment only on the third Saturday of the month. The phone number is (707)446-6869. Our Library has a wonderful collection of research materials for genealogists. There is a fantastic helpful volunteer staff available to help you. Please see visit our Library Page for more details.
Our members can go to the Zoom Invitation Link page listed under the Members Only section and click on the appropriate Zoom link for the meeting they wish to join. There is no need to search for the never received or lost email invitation that may be buried among your other emails or could be residing in your spam folder, or even possibly accidently deleted.
We invite you to join us. Membership is not required, but recommended, as we offer Members Only records and material on this website.
To become a new member, click on New Member - Join Here in the left side menu bar. To renew your membership, click on Members Only on the left side menu bar and log on to Your Profile.
All society first Saturday Speaker Series meetings are being held virtually on Zoom until further notice.
Our future Events are shown by date in the column on the right side of this page. To learn more details about a particular item, click on View Full Listing.
Reminders and Invitation emails will be sent to all active members to provide access to our meetings via Zoom. Guest visitors may also attend with an advance request sent to scgs@scgsca.org by 4:00 pm the day before.
Our society has an informative Speaker Series event on the first Saturday of the month at 11:00 AM Pacific Time. All speaker Series meetings are held online with Zoom.
(No Speaker Series meetings in January, July, August)
Our monthly educational Discussion Group meets via Zoom on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. For 2024, in addition to Zoom, we had some Hybrid Meetings.  A Hybrid Meeting may be attended either on Zoom or in person at the Cultural Center Library at 1020 Ulatis Drive in Vacaville.
(Discussion Group Meetings are held every month)
We have several ongoing SIGs (special interest groups) that are held on Zoom.  The current  active Zoom SIGs are Irish, German, and Brick Walls. In addition, help for Italian research can be arranged. The Writers' SIG meets in person. These small groups share resources and strategies for their topical research.  Any current member can join a SIG by sending an email to scgs@scgsca.org requesting to be put on the group list to receive a monthly Zoom invitation.
Our Rootdigger newsletter is published bimonthly with issues emailed to our membership in January, March, May, July, September and November. Back issues are available to our members in the Members Only section of this website.

Our Facebook Page has lots of fun & interesting content.

Upcoming Events
August 9, 2024
10:00 am
Irish SIG
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are held on Zoom. These small groups share resources and strategies for researching. This is a Members Only Benefit. Any member ...

August 12, 2024
1:30 pm
Writers' SIG
Writers' SIG meets on the second Monday of the month in person (not on Zoom)   This is a Members Only Benefit.  Anyone who is a ...

August 14, 2024
10:00 am
Google Tools
Our Solano County Genealogical Society’s August 14, 2024 Discussion Group Topic is “Google Tools”.   Google is more than a search engine and no researcher ...

August 19, 2024
2:00 pm
German SIG
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are held on Zoom. These small groups share resources and strategies for researching. This is a Members Only Benefit. Any member ...

August 21, 2024
10:00 am
Board of Directors Meeting
All SolanoCGS members are encouraged to attend our monthly board meetings on Zoom. Generally, board meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month starting at 10:00 ...